Mads Mathias, Thor Madsen, Martin Schack & Janus Templeton
fredag den 5. januar kl. 21:00 - 01:00
| 140 kr.Fire hotte profiler fra DK´s rytmiske musikliv er gået sammen i en ny, spændende, konstellation. Der vil blive spillet musik af orkestrets medlemmer, med hang til svedige rytmer, funky beats og jazz.
- Mads Mathias – Vokal/ sax
- Thor Madsen – Guitar
- Martin Schack – Hammond
- Janus Templeton – Trommer
Experience the captivating performance of Mads Mathias and Martin Schack as they bring their exceptional talents to a group of highly skilled musicians in town. Get ready to be swept away by the mesmerizing melodies and exhilarating rhythms. Don’t miss the chance to witness this unforgettable musical experience!